Planning Commission

Planning Commission Role

The Central City's Planning Commission is a six-member board appointed by the City Council for the purpose of planning and plan review. They are advisory to the City Council on all matters concerning land use and land subdivision. The Planning Commission is charged with the formulation and revision of comprehensive master plans, zoning regulations, subdivision regulations and special review use conditions. They also conduct site-specific plan reviews associated with all of the above. The Planning Commission typically makes a recommendation on a land use case which is then sent to the City Council for a final decision. 

All meetings are open to the public, but if you wish to address the commission you must first give your name and address for the meeting minutes. Written comments are also accepted and can be sent to staff prior to a meeting.

Planning Commission Meetings

The agenda for the next meeting is typically posted on the City Hall steps will be posted here as available. Meetings maybe canceled or rescheduled due to lack of business or poor weather. Special meetings may also be called. 

6:00 p.m. – 1st Wednesday of the month (as needed)
City Council Chambers - 141 Nevada Street, Central City

Please find meeting information here. Extra meeting material/handouts are typically available at the meeting on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like a copy of the material sent to the Planning Commission, please email the Community Development Director to make such a request. Material is typically sent to the Planning Commission on the Thursday prior to the meeting and can be forwarded to you upon receipt of your emailed request, but only after the material has been sent to the Planning Commission. General parking can be found in the Big T lot across the street from the City Hall.

Public hearings are officially noticed in the Weekly-Register Call. Property owners adjacent to the proposed subject site are notified. The property is also posted.

Any contact of a Planning Commissioner regarding any specific land case or proposal or request should be made during the public meeting or through staff prior to the meeting. No one should attempt to contact a Planning Commissioner prior to the meeting to ensure all the information is presented and heard (testimony) at the same time in a public forum.

Planning Commission Members

Lisa Leben, Chair (expires 12/26)

Bobbie Hill, Vice Chair  (expires 12/26)

Barbara Thielemann, (expires 12/28)

Dena Hunter, (expires 12/28)

Katie Shirley, (expires 12/26)

Chris Shirley, (expires 12/28)


Please contact our Community Development Planning Staff should you have any questions.