Looking to paint your historic residence or rehabilitate your rock wall, roof, window, siding, or structural systems? Central City has funds available to help.
The Historic Preservation Paint Reimbursement Grant Program offers up to a 50% reimbursement of exterior painting and paint preparation costs for work completed by a licensed contractor, or up to 100% reimbursement of exterior paint and paint supplies for work completed by a property owner, capped at $5,000 per property. Costs associated with rock wall, roof, window, siding, and structural repair are capped at $10,000 per property and can be up to 50% reimbursed.
The 2024 program has opened.
Please contact Jeff Noffsinger at jnoffsinger@cityofcentral.co or 303 582 5251 x30 for more information.
The following are the pre-approved historic paint palettes for Central City at this time:
- Sherwin Williams America's Heritage Exterior Historic Colors
- Benjamin Moore Historical Color Collection
Unsure of what colors to choose for your historic property?
The 2022 Design Guidelines contain helpful tips on choosing coordinating colors that will highlight your building's architectural style. See Appendix H, Guidance on Choosing Historic Paint Colors.
The HPO also has reference books, paint palettes, and other resources available to the public at City Hall.
Love local history? Central City has completed Phase 1 of our intensive level survey on 25 local residential properties. Intensive level surveys take a deep dive into the history of a property to determine the ownership line and construction history of the buildings. Photos, newspapers, assessor’s records, Sanborn maps, oral histories, and library archives are studied to understand and paint a picture as to the true story of the characters, their accomplishments, and events related to the property.
Take a walk with us as we visit our historic neighborhoods on parts of Eureka Street, Banker’s Row (West 1st High), and West 4th High. You just might be impressed with the “celebrities” of our past.
2023 Individual Property Survey
2023 Central City Residential Survey Report
2015 Central City Survey Update - Methodology, Results, Maps
2015 Central City Survey Update - Historic Resources Inventory
2000 NHLD Update Phase 3 and Summary
1990 National Register of Historic Places nomination/update (NPS)
1986 National Register Inventory (held at City Hall)
Victorian Landmarks are declared by resolution of City Council because of the character of their interior space, which must be substantially intact in terms of (1) original configuration, (2) original volume, (3) original architectural ornamentation and decoration.
- Teller House, 110 Eureka (January 6, 1993, Reso. 1-93)
- Williams Stables, 115 Eureka (March 4, 1992, Reso. 11-92)
- Opera House, 124 Eureka (February 3, 1993, Reso. 2-93)
- Coeur D'Alene Mine (April 21, 1993, Reso. 15-93)
- Gold Coin Saloon, 122 Main (February 19, 1992, Reso. 6-92)
- Clark School, 142 Lawrence (October 23, 1992, Reso. 47-92)
In 1859, John Gregory's discovery of gold in a gulch just east of present-day Central City set off a gold rush. Within two months the population grew to over 15,000 people, all seeking their fortunes. Central City soon became known as the "Richest Square Mile on Earth."
Due to Central City's importance in Colorado mining history and the remarkable preservation of its buildings, it was named a National Historic Landmark in 1961 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1966. When the Historic Landmark boundaries were updated in 1991, Central City was noted to have 294 contributing buildings. Central City's historic buildings are protected by city ordinance, and Central City is a Certified Local Government, a program through the National Park Service and State Historic Preservation Office which confers responsibilities for historic preservation to local communities.
As part of Central City's CLG obligations, regular surveys of historic properties have been conducted, all of which can be viewed in their entirety at City Hall. To maintain "contributing" status and ensure the integrity of the historic district, any exterior changes or new construction in the historic district are reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission. These changes are evaluated based on the Central City Design Guidelines.