Main Street Central City

General Information

Main Street Central City is a Colorado nonprofit corporation and part of the Colorado Main Street® Program, a program dedicated to revitalizing traditional downtown districts within the context of historic preservation. The program uses an approach that advocates a return to community self-reliance, local empowerment and the rebuilding of central business districts based on their traditional assets of unique architecture, personal service, local ownership and a sense of community. The City of Central was accepted into the program as a "Main Street Candidate Community" in November 2015.

Main Street is about real places doing real things. The program is designed to advocate and support rebuilding of central business districts based on the traditional assets of each community’s unique architecture, character and local ownership. The program has three things: a proven strategy for revitalization, a strong network of linked communities and a committed staff who manage the program.

This is a statewide program that assists local governments, downtown organizations and communities through a process that helps organize community needs and ideas so they result in a strategic plan to work from. It provides technical resources and training in the four areas featured in the National Main Street Center® Approach:

  • Economic Vitality

  • Design

  • Organization

  • Promotion

Mission Statement

A volunteer effort by citizens, businesses, organizations and government to revitalize Main Street Central City, Colorado by diversifying and expanding businesses and cultural opportunities while maintaining its historic integrity and value.

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Main Street Central City - Board of Directors

Barbara Thielemann, Chair

Jeremy Kaiser, Vice Chair 

Peter Droege, Secretary 

Deborah M. Wightman, Treasurer 

Shirley Voorhies 

Staff Contact

Joe Loyet, Project Manager
Email: jloyet@cityofcentral.co
Office: (303) 582-5251 ext. 32