Community Updates and Information

Saint James United Methodist Church

Address: 123 Eureka St, Central City, CO 80427
Phone(303) 582-5882


Saint Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church

Address: 135 Pine St, Central City, CO 80427
Phone(303) 567-4662


Saint Paul's Episcopal Church

Address: 226 E 1st High St, Central City, CO 80427
Phone(303) 582-0450

Gilpin County has available the following resources for accessing food:

  • Gilpin County Food Bank: The Gilpin County Food Pantry is located at 101 Norton Drive, Black Hawk CO 80422 and is available to all Gilpin County residents regardless of income. Each household can shop once per week.  The pantry is open Thursday from 1:30-3:45pm.  Any questions can be answered by Corinne at 720-432-6120 or at ckeller@gilpincounty.org.  
  • Meals on Wheels

Fitness and Fun for Gilpin County

Gilpin County's Parks and Recreation Department oversees a wide variety of sites, activities, and programs for both residents and visitors. With their sports leagues, fitness and art classes, youth camps, senior lunches, special events, state-of-the-art recreation center, and more, they have something for everyone! Learn all about Gilpin County's facilities, memberships, and events on their website

Local Housing Opportunities

State Resources

At the Special Session of the Colorado State Legislature in December, State lawmakers approved $54 million for rent and mortgage relief.

Rent and mortgage assistance is available to low-income families facing economic disruption. Renters and homeowners can apply for assistance from the Emergency Housing Assistance Program (EHAP) through two statewide partner agencies, Brothers Redevelopment and the Salvation Army.  For more information about agencies providing assistance to local areas, an online map is provided here.

To qualify for assistance, households must have earned below 50% of the Area Median Income for their county prior to March 11, 2020.  Further income guidelines can be found here.

For Coloradans who are at risk of losing their housing, Colorado Housing Connects is an additional resource. Renters, homeowners, and landlords can find more information here.

The Promise Program Post Secondary Education Scholarship encourages high school graduates and GED recipients of Central City to make post-secondary education a priority. View the guidelines and application here.